Chicago, Illinois

LookDeep Trade Show Collateral

Challenge: Create collateral for client that trade show participants will interact with in order to create more interest in brand showing.


LookDeep is a program that utilizes computer vision and AI technologies to revolutionize inpatient telemedicine. It enables continuous patient monitoring in hospitals, allowing clinical staff to remotely observe and respond to changes in patient status.

These assets were created for a raffle organized by LookDeep at AONL 2024. I created for print and for social.

Raffle Collateral

I had to take interactivity in mind when laying out this survey on the back of the raffle cards. Readability and ease of use are so important when collecting survey data.

Raffle Cards + Survey

I had to find a way to make the text transitions feel like they belong to the brand. This blur effect was a perfect fit.

LookDeep Survey Video

The challenge with this version of the video was adjusting the speed while still giving the important text enough time to be readable.

LookDeep LinkedIn Ad

Static Socials

Main Takeaways

LookDeep has been one of my favorite clients to work for due to it having a really modern and clean brand. The motion projects have also been a ton of fun.


Workflow Services Socials


HausCo Socials